Partner Management App
FMCG companies today are staring at a major disruption in their distribution model. Other than some basic technology interventions to track primary (sales from the FMCG company to their Distributors), and in some cases, secondary sales (sales from the Distributor to the Retailers), very little changed over the decades.
Benefits and Features
BenefitsRegister yourself
For a new user to Login, he needs to first register himself in the application by clicking register button on login page. Few basic details like name, address, mobile No. and postal code are to be filled.
Act as Supplier
If company has a need to purchase products/services then as a Supplier specify the product, how much quantity can be delivered with timeframe, what is the price and additional charges if any .
Act as Customer
In case you have a need to purchase products/services then as a Customer specify the product, how much quantity you want to purchase, look at the price, any seasonal discounts and additional charges if any.
Apps Easy to use
SAVIC App Center provides partner apps and services that extend the value of Partner Managment App. Mobile Apps are very easy to use can be accessed from any Android/ios smartphone, Tablet and Web.
Packages / Combo Deals
Combo Deals' are another attractive feature of the sale. Customers can get an extra percentage off on buying three products together.
Better user experience and easy navigation admin can View and Approve/Reject Quotations/Inquiries, improved analytics with the specific timeframe, realtime tracking of a transaction.